Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My new year Resolution

It's been long time since I've written here. Let me start up with our new year's plan...Many things in mind to write. Let me put one by oneWe've entered in a new year. How did you celebrate the new year's day?I called up my friends (all of us are software engineers) and brought a cake and some drinks (cool&hot). Till 12, we were playing cards and watching movie. I've conducted a game where each one of us has to share how the 2007 year was. Few of us got married and one got promotion as mother and 2 got engaged etc. One good thing happened while sharing experiences. My friend,vijay proposed a good plan. "Why don't we raise a fund to support village kids for their education" (Ofcourse most of us are from village only, so we know the problems in getting quality education). Surprising, everyone of us has agreed this very happily.We welcomed 2008 by cutting the cake! and ofcourse a savings plan to raise funds.
we assure to each other "As a team, we are going to make difference in our villages". Our 2008 goal is to sponsor atleast 10 kids in getting their Primary/highschool education.
What's your resolution?

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